Exploring TTouch with Robyn Hood: Connection, Communication, and Equine Well-being | Ep 22 Equine Assisted World

Robyn Hood, sister of Linda Tellington-Jones and a leading figure in the development of the Tellington TTouch Method, joins Rupert Isaacson in this insightful episode. Robyn has dedicated her life to refining and teaching TTouch, a revolutionary approach to working with horses, dogs, and other animals that fosters trust, connection, and healing. In this conversation, she delves into the origins of TTouch, its impact on equine well-being, and practical techniques that horse owners and equine-assisted practitioners can integrate into their work. Whether you're looking to deepen your relationship with your horse or explore a more mindful approach to training, this episode is filled with wisdom and practical insights. Learn more about Robynโ€™s work here: https://learn.ttouch.ca | https://ttouch.com

What Youโ€™ll Learn in This Episode:
The Origins and Philosophy of TTouch (Starts at 02:31)
  • How Robyn and Linda developed TTouch.
  • The inspiration behind the method and how it differs from traditional equine bodywork.
  • Understanding the nervous systemโ€™s role in movement and behavior.
Key TTouch Techniques for Equine Well-being (Starts at 16:03)
  • The Clouded Leopard touch and why itโ€™s a cornerstone of TTouch.
  • The importance of gentle, mindful contact in building trust.
  • How to identify and respond to equine tension and discomfort.
Body Wraps and Their Impact on Equine Balance (Starts at 36:27)
  • What body wraps are and how they work.
  • How they help horses with proprioception, relaxation, and postural awareness.
  • Practical applications for therapy horses and performance horses alike.
TTouch for Enhancing Human-Equine Communication (Starts at 56:02)
  • How to interpret subtle equine body language.
  • Why intention matters in touch and training.
  • How TTouch principles apply to groundwork and riding.
Cross-Species Applications of TTouch (Starts at 1:14:22)
  • How TTouch benefits dogs, cats, and even zoo animals.
  • The surprising effects of touch on emotional regulation in animals.
  • How to introduce TTouch to a new animal safely.
The Role of TTouch in Equine-Assisted Therapy (Starts at 1:36:27)
  • How TTouch helps therapy horses stay physically and emotionally sound.
  • Why the well-being of the horse is just as important as the well-being of the client.
  • Best practices for integrating TTouch into equine-assisted work.
Memorable Moments from the Episode:
  • How horses in equine-assisted therapy programs communicate their stress and how TTouch can help (12:03).
  • The unexpected link between equine tension and emotional trauma (30:18).
  • A fascinating case study on how body wraps helped a horse with chronic anxiety (49:52).
  • The importance of mindful observation in horse training (1:07:15).
  • How horses mirror human emotions and what that means for equine practitioners (1:22:40).
  • The transformative effects of TTouch on performance horses, including those competing at the highest levels (1:48:15).
Connect with Robyn Hood & Tellington TTouch:
๐Ÿ“Œ Learn More & Courses: https://learn.ttouch.ca
๐Ÿ“˜ Official Website: https://ttouch.com
๐Ÿ“˜ Facebook: https://facebook.com/TellingtonTTouchMethod

See All of Rupert's Programs and Shows:
๐ŸŒ Rupert Isaacson: https://rupertisaacson.com

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Exploring TTouch with Robyn Hood: Connection, Communication, and Equine Well-being | Ep 22 Equine Assisted World
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